: Bugs Most people are afraid of bugs, especially bees and wasps. If you spend any time in nature, you’ll …

: It’s crazy seeing teens in the coffee shop using TI83+ calculators. Brings me waaaay back.

: Getting inked up today 🖤

: Leaving today for Sick New World 🤘

: My 15yo son just told me he “wants to get into CD’s because they’re ’vintage’”. Now I feel ancient.

: The Tesla FSD feels like being in an Uber in your own car.

: My wife and I got complementary tattoos. I have made it 37 years on this planet without getting a …

: I absolutely love this time of year in Albuquerque. Green chili roasting, cool mornings and the …

: New Blink 182 is 🔥🔥🔥 https://youtu.be/LUEYNuVeA9Y?si=WYaH_Z6CTX0R_Z1o

: My oldest starts high school today 😭

: The Past is Not True Aim a laser pointer at the moon, then move your hand the tiniest bit, and it’ll …

: Passwords are fine Passwords are simple and affordable. We were using them prior to computers (“Open …

: One more from last night

: My son got a new Nintendo Switch, so I took his hand me down. It came with Breath of the Wild. I’m …

: I can’t wait to see people walking around in public wearing the Apple Vision Pro #WWDC13

: I watched a few YouTube videos and learned how to sew hair extensions into my wife’s hair. They came …

: After building it 7+ years ago, I have finally updated my agency’s website. It’s now running on Hugo …

: My neighbor lived to be 109. This is what I learned from him. Think freely. Practice patience. Smile …

: Navajo president drops in at new skatepark in the Navajo Nation! The president of Navajo Nation here …

: Apple’s tagline for this year’s WWDC “Code new worlds.” makes me very excited!

: Tonight, I accidentally signed up for Hot Yoga sculpt instead of the regular hot yoga. It was …

: I wonder if I accepted every meeting with growth agencies that can “guarantee” me new clients and …

: I have tried out BlueSky and just can’t get into it. it feels way too close to Twitter to feel like …

: I spent last night presenting to our town’s Planning and Zoning commission (picture a courtroom with …

: TIL a new phrase from my wife: Prom Legs noun When you don’t shave your legs for 2+ weeks. Then when …

: First road trip in the Tesla complete! Overall it was a great experience.Using Auto steer on the …

: I was helping my 6th grader with his coding homework. I seriously don’t understand how a kid without …

: “What becomes clear, though, is that good days are precious. When you’re feeling even a little …

: “We should use AI” is the “We should create an app”.

: My daughters team won the whole tournament today! ⚽️

: Does anyone have a Bluesky invite that they are are willing to share?

: A sweet old lady came up to me today in the gym and said “I just love what you do here”. For …

: My daughter came home with “school money” and asked me if I could “just scan them and print more.”

: This page about Tech Independence by Derek Sivers is great. It’s very “indieweb-ish” and has lots of …

: It’s planting season, and I just don’t feel like gardening this year. I still haven’t installed a …

: I literally found forestry.io on the exact day they discontinued the product. It solves all of the …

: Last night I went to a local council meeting to show support for a friend of mine wanting to covert …

: Productive day. So much so, that I was late to multiple meetings :/

: Really hoping this is true 🤞 techcrunch.com iOS 17 will reportedly set the stage for sideloading …

: I literally can’t stop watching Blink 182 Coachella performances on reddit.

: The early days of Linux One day, Linus accidentally attempted to use his hard drive to dial the …

: ChatGPT has become my favorite pair programmer. We have lots of adventures together.

: Hot take: The Super Mario Bros Movie, 2023 movie was just fine. ★★½ I actually agree with Roger …

: “It’s my job to love my kids, it’s not my kid’s job to love me” Rich Roll on parenting Needed this …

: My little girl turns 9 today. It’s going by way too fast. 😭

: I went on my first ruck today inspired by this episode of the Tim Ferris podcast with Dr. Kelly …

: It bugs me slightly that the closed captioning for Ted Lasso spells fútbol as “football”. ⚽️ > 🏈

: Today I’m working on converting a huge legacy system from a .NET app to a Hugo site. My friend …

: I still can’t read the phrase “Dill Weed” without thinking of Beavis and Butt-Head.

: Since ChatGPT’s release, every day on the internet is April Fools Day.

: Twitter just open sourced their recommendation engine and there are some interesting types in the …

: Today, I installed a toilet from hole in the ground all the way through operation. Am I a plumber …

: Very excited to see Underøath play tonight

: I started watching the movie Dune, not having read the book. About 20 minutes in I had to turn it …

: The local bookstore allowed me to get my Outlive book a day before it’s release. I’m not sure they …

: Attempting my first overnight smoke on the Traeger. High stakes (steaks?), high reward. 💨

: My middle son scored his first soccer goal today. He usually plays keeper and doesn’t have an …

: Lazy Friday watching Avatar with the kids. 🎥

: “Your problems adjust to their true level of importance after a hard workout and a good night of …

: I very much enjoyed this episode of the Tim Ferris Podcast featuring Dr. Peter Attia. The Science …

: I appreciate the fact that the web version of Reddit mobile has a “Next” button instead of infinite …

: I love having buddies that own a cigar shop down the street. It’s so cool to be able to just go …

: Playing an RPG brings me a lot of the same joys as reading a fantasy novel. I might try switching …

: So it turns out, GPT-4 knows enough about Pokemon Emerald that you can ask it to pretend to be a …

: The Coffee Shop Fallacy The coffeeshop fallacy is a mismatch between the work one imagines to be …

: Remembering Names “A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” – Dale …

: Being at the soccer fields feels like the show Severence. I take the kids to soccer, go to bed, wake …

: Today, I begin my 37th trip around the sun.

: The mind does an incredible job of convincing you that whatever you are thinking about during …

: Thinking something nice about someone? Tell them. When you think something nice about someone, you …

: My daughter just got a toy today that resembles a Skip It. i haven’t thought about these in 25 …

: I have rewritten my blog engine for the third time. At least, this time the front end is rendered by …

: Rogule - a dungeon a day keeps the Balrog away Rogule is a minimalist online Roguelike game you play …

: Honestly, it’s probably the phones The most plausible explanation for teenage unhappiness. As a …

: I’m taking all 3 of my kids snowboarding today by myself. Wish me luck (and patience) 🏂

: Idea: Micropub Browser Extension For Replies I LOVE finding sites that support webmentions. For me, it’s an instant subscribe. These are people …

: To enjoy life, you don’t need fancy nonsense, but you do need to control your time and realize that …

: I’m trying really hard to resist writing a “per my last email” response to a former client that …

: Extremely high winds 💨🍃at the soccer tournament today. They ended up cancelling all of the games at …

: Self hosting in 2023 The blog that you are currently reading has a perfect PageSpeed score 100 / 100 …

: ✅ Achievement unlocked! My 14yo laughed at one of my dad jokes!

: Checking The Date Every day is April Fools from now on, let’s not get fooled.

: Another day of snowboarding in the books. I had a great time going with friends. It was cold and …

: Necroposting – blogging from before you started blogging It’s pretty simple. I copy and paste the …

: How long are you supposed to wait in a Zoom meeting room for the host to arrive before you bail …

: Woke up early to smoke a pork shoulder. Every time I’m heating up charcole at 5:30am, I vow to buy …

: I LOVE when I discover a blog that supports webmentions. It’s an insta-subscribe for me. Even if the …

: What Mastodon instance do you use and why? I want to sign up, but am not sure which instance to …

: I’m going to a Whiskey Awareness party tonight. It’s purpose: to raise awareness that whisky is …

: Sometimes I wish I had kept all of my programming books from college. Maybe they are no longer …

: Web Push for Web Apps on iOS and iPadOS | WebKit Today marks the release of iOS and iPadOS 16.4 beta …

: Last Flight Out Faced with the rapidly-approaching polar winter, which promises bitterly cold …

: Snow day ❄️ I love having the kids home during the week.

: I think I enjoy the process of making my afternoon coffee almost as much as I enjoy drinking it. ☕

: “Everything in moderation, including moderation.” -My grandpa Bob (quoting Oscar Wilde) I love this …

: My poor wife just lost $50 on a Craigslist scam. I literally can’t stop laughing 😂

: Tonight’s agenda: Snuggles and Babysitters Club.

: I actually enjoy when my browser crashes hard and forgets all of my open tabs that I‘ve been …

: I’ve spent months working on a blogging engine. I have always wanted to create my own ever since …

: I’ve been taking my oldest boy (14) to the gym lately. It’s been an absolute joy! He usually fights …

: Beautiful sunny day today. The kids are in the yard playing soccer with their friends and I’m …

: “The world seems to be accustomed to delaying gratification less and less, which means the rewards …

: My son’s friends discovered my blog and were talking about it to him (must have googled his last …

: Netlify Acquires Gatsby Netlify Acquires Gatsby Inc. to Accelerate Adoption of Composable Web …

: My Year In Books 2022 📚 I have been super inspired by all of the posts this month about everyone’s “year in books”. I …

: I recently wrote a post about using AI to filter social feeds. It appears that the original founders …

: While demoing the shower in our rental house today, we discovered a “hidden” window that had been …

: It’s not people’s job to show you what’s interesting or great about themselves. It’s your job to …

: I’ve read The King Killer Chronicles series by Patrick Rothfuss several times and LOVED it. Can …

: For this month’s retro game, I started playing The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX on my …

: www.chronophoto.app Chronophoto - The Photographical History Game Who knew guessing the year a photo …

: How I missed out on being a crypto millionaire Anyone who had participated in crypto for a significant amount of time, has a story or two about …

: Currently reading: The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope …

: It’s a beautiful sunny ☀️ day here in Albuquerque. Has me dreaming of warm summer days…

: Reflections on the impact of the ‘4-Hour Workweek’ 15 years later They had never read it. If they …

: Busy day: Work meetings. Multiple contractors at the rental. Driving kids around. Gym. Dinner with …

: “People are rewarded in public for what they practice for years in private.” - Tony Robins

: “How you do anything is how you do everything” -Martha Beck I love this quote! It takes on a new …

: Trying to setup SSL for a wildcard subdomain using nginx and Certbot is proving more challenging …

: (Another) Blogging Isn’t Dead Post No, Blogging Is Not Dying Anytime Soon - Darius Foroux But still, people who read have always been …

: Idea: ChatGPT For Filtering Social Media Feeds While I was still using Twitter, I set up a ton of keyword filters. This was especially true during …

: There are so many beautiful moments every single day that I get to share with my kids. I was …

: I woke up early intending to be productive and go through my daily habits checklist. However, I …

: Prompt Leakage In AI Chat Systems With the rise of ChatGPT and other AI text interfaces, there emerges a new issue called Prompt …

: Xfinity actively makes it difficult to sign up for new services. I’ve literally spent hours just …

: Spending a bit of time today creating a node.js API on top of OpenAI’s SDK. I have a feeling many …

: ChatGPT in an iOS Shortcut — Worlds Smartest HomeKit Voice Assistant I suspect it won’t be long …

: I’ve realized that crypto makes me unhappy regardless if it’s going up or down. Going down? Why did …

: “The more time you spend complaining about what you deserve, the less time you have to focus on what …

: Starting the 12 hour long drive from LA → ABQ 🚙

: When I was a young kid in youth group, I convinced my mom that Blink 182 was a Christian band …

: Disneyland day 2, let’s go!

: So, it looks like @paul@tapbots.social has confirmed that Twitter is shutting down API keys for 3rd …

: Exited to get some In-N-Out while we are in AZ 🍔

: Road trip’n… 🚙

: You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. James Clear - …

: It bugs me to no end that the NM Taxpayer Access Point uses the word logon instead of login. I …

: I need to start reading more fiction. My brain is starting to melt with all of these self help …

: The end of the high school essay-Seth’s Blog They were actually a signal that you could do just …

: Writing code feels like time travel 💻

: Voicemails From A Spammer would be a sweet name for an album.

: I switched from weight lifting to calisthenics in the gym over a year ago. It was one of the best …

: Currently reading: The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle 📚

: My Current AeroPress Recipe ☕️ Over the years, I have tried many Aeropress methods for making coffee. After many variations, I have …

: High-Level Workings of Link’s Awakening It explains how the engine is structured and how the various …

: I have a terrible habit of biting my nails while I’m coding. I literally don’t do it in any other …

: I just set up fed.brid.gy on my site which allows me to participate in the Fediverse. You can now …

: Snowboarding attempt #2 tomorrow. This time the entire family is going. Fresh snow and sunny weather …

: I say this every year, but this is the year that I get a freestanding handstand.

: It’s so inspiring to read everyone’s “Year In Books” posts. Makes me want to read more in 2023. …

: Today, we started our first day of demo on the rental property. It’s going to be a journey, but I’m …

: Bring Back Personal Blogging - The Verge Buy that domain name. Carve your space out on the web. Tell …

: Snowboarding was a bust today. We drove all the way up the Santa Fe Ski Area (1.5 hours from my …

: I’m taking my kids snowboarding tomorrow. Super excited to teach them! 🏂

: @manton I have a few questions/notes about non microblog hosted sites (mine now supports webmention …

: Saying “sup” with ‘net send’ By the time we got to school the next day, the IT person had disabled …

: Maybe I’m missing something, but I just can’t understand how to get into the Cobra Kai show. Maybe …

: I made a rookie mistake and forgot to take the trashes out to the street for pickup the day after …

: This was the first Christmas where my teenager was “too cool” to participate in many of the family …

: Merry Christmas friends! 🎄

: My daughter and I did some skipping while out on our run today. It was so much fun. I need a little …

: I had a beautiful night playing Super Mario World with my daughter on an original SNES. 🕹️

: In the spirit of Christmas, my garage door decided to “Home Alone” me. When I opened it, something …

: My blog at brandontreb.com has been running my custom code for over 24 hours without catching on …

: I want a self-driving vehicle for the sole purpose of being able to dunk my Chick fil a sandwich in …

: My router decided to die a couple days ago. Needless to say, our “Smart Home” became pretty dumb …

: I got Webmentions working on my blog using webmention.io and some custome JS. It’s super cool to see …

: I’ve spent more time tinkering with my blog today than I’ve spent blogging this entire year.

: As it gets colder outside, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to do cold plunges. Today it was 32f …

: This Episode of the Joe Rogan Podcast with Erika Thomson is awesome! She talks all about bees 🐝 and …

: My wife got me a Solo Stove for Christmas 🎄 Fortunately for me, UPS delivered it while I was home, …

: I have moved the code that generates my Micro Blog from Heroku to a Raspberry Pi in my closet. This …

: I have recently been experimenting with [Morning Pages](The Artist’s Way Morning Pages …

: Testing…

: My investment in Taylor Swift tickets has proven to be better than all of my crypto combined.

: I would hate to be on Ticketmaster’s dev ops team.

: Here we go again… This time I’m waiting with multiple devices in the queue to purchase tickets …

: When we were in Ensenada, Mexico this past weekend, one of the street vendors called me “Rambo”, …

: Today is the first time in recent memory that I opened my calendar and didn’t have a single event …

: I’m currently running a caffeine Ponzi scheme in which I have to keep drinking coffee to blunt the …

: So, this is bizarre. After almost a decade of being down and transitioning between multiple owners, …

: Listening to Max Fisher on the Rich Roll Podcast talking about How Social Media Rewired Our Brains …

: Monthly Retro Game Club A few months back, I purchased an Anbernic RG351v handheld emulator. I couldn’t be happier with it. …

: I’m designing a new software development paradigm. It’s called VDD (Vibe driven development) It’s …

: My 13 yo boy plays “Master of Puppets” on his guitar on repeat. It’s literally the soundtrack of our …

: Just bought tickets to see Weird Al at the Santa Fe Opera! 10 year old (and 36 year old) me are …

: I just picked up an old NES to play classic games with my kids. 30 years later and I still can’t …

: I LOVE camping. 🏕 I absolutely hate camping prep.

: I had an incredible yoga 🧘‍♂️ practice this morning. Breathe and Flo always have such balanced …

: Gym 💪 after cigar night. 0/10 Wouldn’t recommend.

: So, Twitter just added an innovative new feature called notes. Should someone tell them about …

: After helping my son reinstall Windows, we also had to reinstall his sound drivers. Reminds me of my …

: I just saw a message today that Github is going to start charging for Co Pilot. While this bums me …

: I love watching lizards. They are living the dream. All day long, they just eat and do push-ups.

: What is this liquid that is falling from the sky? 🌧

: “Dad, Aris’ limit breaker ‘Healing Wind’ is awesome!” - Cayden That boy is in for one life’s …

: Today was crazy. Within the same hour I taught one son about computer networking and taught the …

: After a decade and a half of doing Wordpress development, one would think that I would be better at …

: I have recently developed a slight addiction to purchasing old SNES and Gameboy games on Mercari. I …

: I have never met a Discount Tire employee that I didn’t like.

: I just transferred all of my crypto from exchanges to my Ledger . Pretty painless except for BlockFi …

: A humming bird feeder was one of the best investments we’ve ever made in our backyard.

: I woke up early to see my wife off for her girls trip. The only logical next step is to put on LOTR …

: I went to an “influencer event” today. Not to influence, but to be influenced.

: Achievement Unlocked I (my ip) just got banned from flatearth101.com for trying to access their …

: I’ve done it… I’ve finally removed Wordle from my Home Screen ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️

: Terminal Apps Are The Future? I LOVE the idea of taking modern web apps to the Terminal. As a heavy user of ssh, tmux, screen, …

: I just put my first backpacking 🏕️ trip of the year in the calendar! My REI spending has definitely …

: I have never seen micro.blog so active. It must be because of The Great Twitter Exodus. I understand …

: I have to set a bimonthly calendar reminder to change my kid’s screen time passcode. At roughly 4 …

: Is there a micro.blog book club?

: Apple Removing Apps Older Than 2 Years Apple says they’re removing my game because it’s more than 2 years old This HN thread …

: Winning combo: Red Bull + Ibuprofen

: This AWS outage is killing me today. Good excuse to drink a whiskey and smoke some ribs on the …

: Anyone here doing Advent of Code this year?

: My oldest turned 13 last month. Today, I got to take him to the gym with me for the first time. It …

: Underrated reasons to be thankful Brilliant post I found on Hacker News today.

: My dream is to play guitar in a Gin Blossoms cover band.

: “Craving an outcome anchors you to a future that does not exist, and drags you from the peace of the …

: Battling webapp browser compatibility is soul crushing.

: My wife surprised me on our trip and rented a Tesla Model S on Turo. This is my first time driving …

: The thermostat at the air bnb we are staying at had a locked out smart thermostat set to a really …

: My 12yo love/hates my dad jokes these days. Tonight I told him that was going to start a Blink 182 …

: 📭 Inbox: 0, it feels good…

: I’m rediscovering learning to play guitar after years away from it. Though, I had 10+ years of …

: Just chased a coyote away from my flock of chickens and ducks. I’ve reached peak homesteading.

: What’s the opposite of Christmas music to de-decorate to?

: Super excited to purge Christmas from our house today.

: Anyone have an Oculous Quest headset? How are you enjoying it? Worth getting one?

: Anyone else doing Advent of Code? Our team is participating this year and sharing our solutions in …

: Just saw the StarLink satellites for the first time. It was pretty incredible!

: No matter how many videos I watch, I can’t seem to get my kitchen knives sharp. Anyone have a great …

: Today’s agenda: Drink (bourbon) Smoke (turkey) Smoke (cigar) Happy Thanksgiving friends!

: When my wife wears a black turtleneck I call her “sexy Steve Jobs” and constantly make lewd Apple …

: I will never get tired of Reddit jokes about the size of the node_modules folder.

: Question: I just bought an Intel Macbook Air. I’m within my return window. Should I return it …

: Just bought a OneWheel. Now I can live my Back to the Future 2 dreams of riding a hover board.

: It’s nearly time for a beer. #mbnov

: Good morning friends. Time for some code & coffee. I hope you all can find some peace in this …

: Fall in New Mexico is my absolute favorite. Every year, I’m always astonished by how beautiful the …

: New side projects sing to me like Sirens. I wish I had the ability to concentrate and see one …

: Thanks for the kind words on the photo friends. I absolutely love this community.

: Beautiful night tonight. No dreary weather in sight. Going to try and ignore the craziness this week …

: I’ve always loved the phrase: “Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice” From a figurative …

: Successful Projects today: install water filter on ice maker install more Sonos speakers around the …

: I stand corrected. She’s a “Greek Goddess”. #kids

: App Idea: A recipe site not filled with garbage ads and gets directly to the point.

: This pretty much settles the Vim vs Emacs debate. rbtnn/vim-mario: Mario on Vim

: I think we might take the kids sledding today, the snow is now 10" deep! 🛷

: If I don’t post a photo of me on social with a “vote sticker”, will my vote even be counted? 🗳

: After changing your truck tire, you drink a beer, right?

: “Not wanting something is just as good as having it.” I heard this quote on the Tim Ferris Podcast …

: Has anyone purchased an infrared Sauna for their home? I’m considering one from Costco and was …

: 🎥 Wife and I are trying to watch scary movies. We’re huge wusses, but I feel like it’s a good …

: Also, I’m using my blower to help get the smoker up to temperature. Feels pretty redneck.

: Smoking chicken on my Webber Smokey Mountain for tonight. Using this method. I’m pretty stoked to …

: We’ve spent the last 25 days on the road doing beaches, Disney, food, mountains, farms,etc… it’s …

: Testing accepting access token in HTTP Authorization header

: Disk drive corrupted today Spending part of vacation reinstalling OSX and downloading my dev stack …

: Folks who host their own M.B/IndieWeb sites, what does your tech stack look like? I’m currently …

: I’m going to start charging my 12 yo $5 every time he responds to me with “I know". …

: Do you think Door Dash drivers ever take a bite of your fries?

: If I could describe the micro.blog community in one word, it would be wholesome. It’s such a …

: And…this is why distributed social networks (like micro.blog and Mastadon) are the future. Twitter …

: I hate Medium. Are bloggers making so much money that it’s worth most people never seeing their …

: Great advice for even seasoned web developers. Plaidophile: Advice to young web developers

: Now that I have been taking off Fridays, Thursdays feel amazing.

: Over the weekend I was opening old posts that I upvoted on Hacker News, and came across this site . …

: “I can’t meditate in the sauna because it burns my nose ring” the most millennial thing I’ve ever …

: ‪Christmas cookies have paired nicely with my coffee addiction. ‬

: As if I don’t already have enough hobbies, I’m currently studying to get my Ham Radio Technician’s …

: Programming Languages Are Only Tools Some young punks overheard me talking about JavaScript at lunch today. They felt it necessary to …

: Good catch @manton on blockchain.Such a ridiculous thought to put Twitter on the worlds slowest and …

: Ice bath tub was 42° today. 2.5 minute soak was brutal. shivers

: With all this chat of Twitter trying to move to a more open protocol, I went down the rabbit hole of …

: I love writing code when my laptop’s battery is low. It’s like I’m racing against the clock.

: Is there anything more American than feuding with your neighbors?

: The Aeropress Go looks amazing!

: Unpopular opinion: I’m not a fan of Dark Mode

: I’m deep in Kotlin dev now and I find it to be much like Android itself. It’s very …

: The gym smells extra pungent this evening. Also, why does everyone where bodybuilding.com shirts? …

: Trolling phone spammers brings me way too much joy.

: We Instead Of I When I first started consulting, I had everything tied to my name. My company name was Treb Studios, …

: I want to mass-delete all accounts in which I no longer use. Does anyone know of a service where you …

: Signals Tonight, I’m going to a party for local entrepreneurs. I was getting ready for the party and …

: Darknet Diaries 🎙 I have really been enjoying listening to Darknet Diaries lately. It’s a Podcast about hacks and …

: How I Stay Organized My wife and I are hard core “type-a” people. I mean, so planned that we send each other calendar …

: I absolutely hate scoping projects. It’s such uninteresting / uninspiring work. It’s …

: This Year’s Tiny House, Skoolie, Full Time RV’er Top 5 Must Haves This Christmas, …

: Weird Tasks That I Have To Do Because We Live on a Converted Schoolbus Many of you might not know this, but my family and I live in a converted schoolbus. Today, I had …

: Dev Blinders - Failing To See Things From A User Perspective The other day, I was having a conversation over Slack with my development team. They were working on …

: I love the microcasts on here. Hearing someone’s voice makes me really feel like I know them.

: Chopping wood is my favorite form of meditation.

: How to Retire Forever on a Fixed Chunk of Money - Mr. Money Mustache How to Retire Forever on a Fixed Chunk of Money - Mr. Money Mustache Another solid post from mmm. …

: Whoa! One of my posts made the discover page. Good thing I paid @manton all of those stacks of cash …

: Tips For Starting Your CS Career My little brother was recently in town for the holidays. He’s about to graduate from college with a …

: Today’s task: Parsing malformed XML containing malformed HTML containing malformed XML. Regex-ing, …

: No One Cares About Your Clever Code As developers, we spend so much time perfecting our craft. We are always on the hunt for hacks, …

: For Micro Monday, I recommend @chet . He writes daily haikus, which are absolutely delightful.

: A Tour of Our Converted School Bus Home After two years of living in our bus, we have finally done a …

: The Diet Starts Monday In our house, we often joke that “the diet starts Monday”. Usually, this is in response to some …

: apple.news China’s plan to rate citizens based on social behavior moves closer to reality - …

: Gratitude It’s often much easier to have a sense of gratitude when things are going well. As humans, we are …

: The race - Seth’s Blog How is it that Seth Godin can be so inspiring in so few words?

: Prototypes Usually End Up In Production “Just hack a quick proof of concept, we’ll rebuild it when we get more funding.” These are some …

: Cold Emailing Locals I always receive cold emails. Some of them are personalized, and some of them are robotic. …

: The phrase “click funnels” does not read well in a small font on a t-shirt. I could not stop …

: Pretty cool, I just set my Jekyll blog up to receive Web Mentions via webmention.io. Next step: …

: How We Winterize Our School Bus Conversion - A Minimalist Family Adventure Great post by my wife …

: Blogging Builds Community It’s been around 3 weeks since I started blogging every weekday. This experience has been …

: One Thing I was recently listening to Episode 344- 10 Strategies To Be Happier Through Gratitude on the Tim …

: @manton I have to tell you that I really appreciate that the micro.blog iOS app doesn’t “infinite …

: Starting New Projects I had the amazing opportunity today to hit File -> New Project today. There are few feelings in …

: Client Deliveries Are Hard I have been building software for clients for over a decade now and have come to one solid …

: Free Business Idea: RV Storage & Rental I was having a conversation with my dad the other day and sharing some of my current business ideas …

: My First App When I was in high school, I used to think computers were for nerds. I was a skater obsessed with …

: Rates Rates are a weird thing and chances are, yours are too low. I spent years stressing about rates. I …

: The Grass Is Always Greener People often tell me things like “it must be nice to work for yourself”, or “I’m working …

: Don’t Hire Your Friends - A PSA A few years back, when the company was growing particularly quickly, I made a decision to hire my …

: It's A Good Time To Be A (Good) Mobile Developer If you are a mobile developer in 2018, and are not consulting (at least on the side), you are …

: On Blogging More Frequently I have been obsessed with Seth Godin lately. I’ve been reading his books, listening to his …

: Compromising Out Of Fear Seth Godin recently discussed in an episode of the Tim Ferris Show a fear many of us have of the …

: I’m A Professional Dream Crusher I just had a realization that I’m a professional dream crusher. Being in software consulting, I hear …

: Halloween pin, give it to me.

: ‪Great meetings with some great people today. ‬

: Every single time I’m in an Apple Store, I get asked if I worked there. Apparently I have the …

: Weird week. Consulting is hard.

: I absolutely love the feeling of completing a task and archiving the email or checking the box on my …

: This article sums up very nicely why it may be a very long time (if ever) until decentralized apps …

: Really loved this article. I wish I could send it to some of my ‘Fox News Cult’ relatives without it …

: I can’t help but feel sorry for clients when they opt to play the “India Lottery” for development …

: Man, I have recently headed down the #pico8 dev rabbit hole. It’s such an elegant way of building …

: If I never have to touch Slack or Telegram again, it will be too soon. I have nothing against them …

: I just got a spam call today. Instead of hanging up, I sang “hold music” (Tetris theme song) and …

: Is there a hacker news bot on micro.blog?

: ‪No matter what payment schedule I put a client on, they will still wait until the absolute last …

: Pandora’s mobile app is straight garbage.


: What is your go-to “coding music”? Mine is Tron: Legacy Soundtrack by Daft Punk.

: 2nd Tennant in a row that we’ve had to evict due to non payment of rent. Being a land lord is hard.

: C Primer I have always loved the C programming language. I remember being a young programmer (man that was 15 …

: About to watch Infinity War in the middle of the day with my boys. Today is a good day.

: brew upgrade was the wrong command. #coffeeBreak

: DApp Development: The Next Gold Rush? Over the past few months, I have had the pleasure of working on a DApp called thisorthat.io built on …

: I’d say that my least favorite part about software development consulting is writing proposals. …

: I have multiple nested “toSort” folders on my Desktop. That’s probably not a good …

: We just got done watching A Quiet Place. It was so intense. Such a fun movie to see in theaters.

: I feel like the best way to get the most value from micro.blog, is to just jump in the discover tab …

: Anyone else using Jekyll for their micro.blog platform? I have some open source node app to do …

: We just got asked to be on a reality TV show about living on our converted school bus. So… I guess …

: So, after announcing that I was posting to micro.blog on my main brandontreb.com, I had 79 …

: My wife just crossed 20k followers on her Instagram account @trebventure. She posts photos of our …

: Ex-Facebook Executive: “You Don’t Realize It But You Are Being Programmed” “We curate our lives …

: A Practical Introduction to Blockchain with Python // Adil Moujahid // Data Analytics and more This …

: We launched our first every DApp on the Ethereum main net for a client today! This or That? Check it …

: I had to write a doubly-linked linked-list to represent a priority queue on this project for the …

: I feel like I need to do a blog series on “getting started” with Ethereum development. …

: Our team has launched our first DApp on the Ethereum test net for a client. Building a solidity / …

: Trying Something New tl;dr: micro.blog is pretty cool. I have recently been thinking about my process of blogging / …

: How Creating A Call Flow Can Help Your Software Sales Calls In 2008, I was still in college. I had just landed my first job with a small consultancy as their …

: Lower Your Rates (Sometimes) - Investing In Building Your Portfolio As developers, we hear the echo chamber on Hacker News and others shouting at us to raise our rates. …

: Side Projects Over at Pixegon, I really try to encourage my developers to have their own side projects. Often …

: Trying Something New Every single year since the beginning of time (at least since the beginning of this blog), I have …

: Develop Your Empathy Muscles For Great Good A while back, I made a flagrant comment on Twitter about how I assumed the world worked. It was …

: How To Lose $300K In One Conversation Will you work for equity? After you have been consulting for any amount of time, you are bound to …

: Why Start Software Consulting Want to jump ship and be a software development consultant? This post will detail why this path is a …

: 2016 Goals As the new year kicks off in full swing, I am reflecting on my 2015 goals and setting some new ones …

: The Value Of Quality Assurance It’s late, you have been hacking all night to get the client a build. Finally, around 2:30 am, you …

: Ship Products You Are Proud Of There is a familiar phrase that I hear all too often when a client comes to me with an existing …

: Your App Idea Most Likely Falls Into One Of Three Categories During my years of mobile development, I have heard the phrase “I have an idea for an app!” …

: Goals For 2015 It cannot be overstated that writing down one’s goals is critical to acheiving them. Pair that with …

: Software Consultant Contracts: Fixed Bid VS Time And Materials One of the most common questions I get from software consultants is whether or not to accept fixed …

: Software Development Consulting: Some Tips On Structuring Your Contracts When I first started out as an independent software developer, one of things that stressed me out …

: Being An Indie Software Developer And Signing NDAs Very frequently, I receive emails that go something like this: “Hey Brandon, I have a killer project …

: Becoming A Software Consultant: My Backstory I recently published a post about my first year of being an independent iPhone development …

: What I Learned In My First Year Of iOS Consulting Wow, I can’t believe it has already been a full year since I struck it out on my own. Last year, I …

: The Top 5 Places To Find Good Software Developers/Contractors One thing I am often asked is “Where can I find good developers/contractors/subcontractors?” While I …

: iPhone Programming Tutorial: Creating An Image Gallery Like Over – Part 2 Welcome to the second part of my tutorial series “Creating An Image Gallery Like Over”. In this part …

: iPhone Programming Tutorial: Creating An Image Gallery Like Over – Part 1 Recently, I have had to build an app (download link) that required the user to choose a photo from …

: Back To My Roots I wrote my very first blog post back in July of 2008 when I start iCodeBlog.com. I started the blog …

: Tools of The Trade: What Tools I Use For iOS Consulting Welcome Hacker News! There’s some discussion happening in the comments; but, as always, the better …

: What I Learned In My First Month Being A Contract iOS Developer tl;dr Present yourself to potential clients as if you have already made it. Don’t be scared, the …

: 5 Third Party iOS Libraries I Have Found Useful Lately As I mature as a developer, I try to rely on other people’s code more an more. Why build something …

: How To Become An Indie Game Developer What programmer doesn’t want to be an indie game developer? A great article with tons of tips to …

: If There Was Ever A Time To Submit A Show HN Article, It’s Right Now Earlier today a post titled ”I Try to Up Vote Every ‘Show HN’ Post and You Should Too” made it to …

: Lua Scripting The UI For Pocket MUD Pro I have just updated my MUD client [Pocket MUD Pro] to be a universal library. It was surprisingly …

: Jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 With Absinthe 2.0 + More Watch Dev Coming The GreenPois0n team has just announced Absinthe 2.0 allowing users of all iDevices (except Apple TV …

: Join Me At 360iDev 2012 I mentioned this on Twitter last week, so I might as well post it here to make it more official. My …

: Incredible List Of Popular Indie iOS/Android/Steam Titles On Sale We believe that developers should have the freedom to price their games how they like, without …

: Why Facebook IS People This is a very well written article detailing some of the inner workings of Facebook and why its …

: The guide to implementing 2D platformers http://higherorderfun.com/blog/2012/05/20/the-guide-to-implementing-2d-platformers/ An incredible …

: Pocket MUD Pro Is Now Universal + Promo Codes I have just updated Pocket MUD Pro to support the iPad! In celebration, it’s on sale for $1.99 (down …

: MetaWatch Announces iOS Support – Still Can’t Compete With Pebble For those of you who have followed my blog for a while, you know that I am a huge geek for smart …

: Great Introduction To Lua (click the post title) I have been using lua in my iOS applications for some time now. This tutorial …

: Why you Should Check Out Unity A while back, my buddy seantron showed me some of his 3D games he’d been working on including this …

: I Suck At Blogging (Lately) OK, so the title isn’t entirely true (I have maintained quite a few blogs in my day). But, one thing …

: Pocket MUD Pro Released + Promo Codes I am very proud to announce a brand new version of my Pocket MUD Pro application for iPhone. I have …

: Vim For iOS Is Incredible I used to be an Emacs guy and would battle to the death on the war between Vim and Emacs. It wasn’t …

: Fluid For Mac As of OSX Lion, I have started to seriously loathe some of the build-it Mac apps (such as Mail, and …

: Amazon – A Terrible Solution To A Huge Problem tl;dr; Don’t buy a Kindle Fire for your kid until they resolve the parental control issues. Wifi …

: Why I Went Back To Jekyll – Also Rackspace Sucks Recently, I was pretty humbled when a post of mine titled WordPress To Jekyll And Back Again made it …

: New Year – New Theme: Focus On The Content As you may have noticed, my blog has a new (much cleaner) theme. For 2012, my blogging goals are to …

: SVProgressHUD Is Quickly Becoming My Favorite iOS Library From the first time I saw this effect in the Tweetie (now Twitter for iPhone), I was crazy about it. …

: Tether Your iPhone Without Jailbreaking (Or Paying For It) With all of the buzz around the iTether App, I figured I’d offer a more permanent solution since …

: Caterpillar 1.1 Released I have just released the update to my Centipede clone called Caterpillar. For those of you who don’t …

: WordPress Plugin For iOS Developers And Bloggers This plugin looks to be super useful for people wanting to blog about iOS apps. It even supports the …

: Voices That Matter Conference: Highlights This past weekend, I attended the voices that matter conference as a sponsor for a new product my …

: Caterpillar-HD Now In The App Store: Tutorial Series To Follow I have just released the update to my Centipede clone called Caterpillar. For those of you who don’t …

: WordPress To Jekyll And Back Again Earlier this year, I jumped ship on WordPress and moved to Jekyll after reading this post on Hacker …

: What’s Your Cruising Speed? Earlier this year, I launched an application called Smart Lockscreen Creator. It was a pretty simple …

: Join Me At The Voices That Matter iOS Conference In November, I will be attending the Voices That Matter iOS Developers conference. It will be my …

: Beginning Jailbroken iOS Development – Your First Tweak This is the 3rd installment of my jailbroken iOS development series. If you haven’t already, make …

: 10 Great Pixel Art Tutorial And Free Resource Sites For Your Games I don’t usually create “list” posts, however I wanted to share a grouping of resources I have been …

: Cocos2D Tutorial – Dynamically Coloring Sprites Have you ever seen a game (such as Tiny Tower) that contains similar sprites that only vary by …

: Pixel Art Character Tutorial – Creating And Customizing A Bitizen This will be a continuation of my last pixel art tutorial about configuring Photoshop for Pixel Art. …

: Configuring Photoshop For Pixel Art First things first. My wife and I had welcomed a new baby boy into the world on Monday so you guys …

: Announcing iOS 4 In Action + Free Chapter! Wow, I can’t believe it has been over a year since the release of my book iPhone And iPad In Action. …

: Autonomous Steering Behaviors In Corona SDK Games Wow, it’s already been 5 months since I was last blogging for #iDevBlogADay. The time has flown by! …

: Check Out AutoCorrector + Promo Codes! ![](/uploads/2011/iPhone Screenshot 1.jpeg) So, this blog post might sound like a lame press …

: Beginning Jailbroken iOS Development – Building And Deployment Welcome to the next installment of my jailbroken iOS development series. If you haven’t already done …

: Half Off iPhone And Android Books From Manning Publishing Today Last year I wrote the second edition of iPhone and iPad In Action. It was published by Manning …

: My Journey To Create The inPulseNotifier For Jailbroken iPhones – Part 2 This post is a continuation from my previous post found here. A MobileSubstrate Tweak? After I …

: My Journey To Create The inPulseNotifier For Jailbroken iPhones – Part 1 Many of you may have seen my tweets or blog posts regarding my development of a native iOS interface …

: Beginning Jailbroken iOS Development – Getting The Tools Developing for jailbroken is actually quite similar to regular iOS development with one addition. …

: Jailbroken iPhone Development – Would You Be Into It? As of recent I have had a ton of interest in doing development for Jailbroken iPhones. I love the …

: Officially Running On Jekyll Well, I have finally made the switch from WordPress to Jekyll and couldn’t be happier. Here are some …

: Considering Leaving WordPress For Jekyll So, after my 6 year relationship with WordPress, I have been having some strong feelings for another …

: Huge Update To Smart Lockscreen Creator + Promo Codes I have just updated Smart Lockscreen Creator and am giving away 10 copies! Download It Here I know …

: Free App Idea: Drop Tunes Perhaps this already exists, if so, please link me to it. The idea Drop music into your Dropbox …

: Smart Lockscreen Creator Released + Promo Codes My latest iOS app, Smart Lockscreen Creator has just released on iPhone for $.99. Download It Here …

: Albuquerque Marathon Training Well, I have finally decided to put my money where my mouth is when it comes to fitness and train up …

: Tweet Press 3.2 Update – Sidebar Widget I have recently had an overwhelming number of requests for a sidebar widget that displays your …

: It’s Elementary My Dear Watson IBM’s Watson on Jeopardy Last night marked the beginning of the IBM Jeopardy challenge. For …

: Case Of The Mondays Mondays… The other day, I was faced with an interesting programming challenge and wanted to share my …

: Farewell (For Now) iDevBlogADay Hey guys, I wanted to thank everyone for letting me be a part of the iDevBlogADay community. You …

: AppBlogger: A Tool For iOS App Developers And Bloggers Imagine that you have just found the coolest app in the world and just can’t wait to tell all of …

: Image Manipulation: Retrieving And Updating Pixel Values For A UIImage Grayscale Jobs With the recent success of cool photo manipulation apps such as Camera+ and …

: What Does Your Workspace Look Like? I am always very fascinated with the workspaces of others and frequently check out Lifehacker’s …

: Free App Per Day Service As many of you may know, I created a site called Fresh Apps. This site started as sort of a Digg for …

: New Year, New Blog Theme I seem to change my WordPress theme more often than I change my socks. I just tend to get very bored …

: Changing Your Life In 2011 For this blog post, I decided to take a small break from my Twitter Client for Mac tutorial series …

: Does He Have A Memory Leak? My wife has this interesting problem of having vivid dreams about whatever she was last …

: Pocket MUD Update Approved Wow, in record time (2 business days!), Apple approved the update to my iPhone app Pocket Mud. For …

: Advertising Now Available Current Public Site Stats I am now offering advertising in the sidebar for the killer price of $10. …

: That’s It! I Quit Programming. Because I could never make something this cool/impressive: YouTube – Introducing Word Lens. Tweet

: Link: Minecraft Like Rendering Experiments in OpenGL 4 – Codeflow I found this article while browsing reddit and was blown away. I have been a little mystified at the …

: Creating A Twitter Client For OSX – Part 1 With the upcoming release of the Mac App Store, I can only imagine another gold rush is upon us. …

: Promoting Your Other Apps Within Your Apps First off, Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers. And a happy Thursday to everyone else. I’m …

: XCode Tips And Shortcuts To Improve Your Workflow Intro This is my first #iDevBlogADay post and I wanted to give a quick intro before jumping in. My …

: Core Data QuickTip: Inverse Relationships One thing I always wondered about Core Data is why the compiler would warn you if you didn’t specify …

: RE: Android Developer Income Report This article was a very interesting with some insight into the Android Market. Basically, this indie …

: What not to do in life | TKs weblog Here is a great article about some advice given to a 22 year old starting his life journey. These …

: Tweetpress Plugin Updated I have just posted an update to my plugin Tweetpress! In case you don’t know, Tweetpress is a plugin …

: Ludum Dare Competition: Week 2 Update So another week has gone by and I have made quite a bit of progress, here are the additions since I …

: Calculator Creator Released + Promo Codes I have recently been developing an iPhone app in my free time called Calculator Creator. This …

: PoV’s Challenge: Week 1 After a week of studying my butt off with OpenGL ES, I have finally started work on my game engine …

: Game Dev Challenge + OpenGL ES Resource List The other day, I was reading Ludum Dare and saw a very interesting post. It was a call to action for …

: App Store (Link Share) Affiliate Link Generator A while back, I wrote a post called ”Money You Might Be Missing Out On” where I discussed the …

: Great WordPress Plugin To Connect Your WordPress Blog To Your Tumblr Ok, so maybe this is stupid, reposting your own content in multiple areas. As far as SEO goes, it …

: SEO: Works Every Time So I received an internal email at work the other day about how we could SEO our company website …

: 6 Traits Of A Successful Developer I really enjoyed this article on traits of developers. …

: Technology + Fitness = <3 :: 3 Apps That Will Keep Even The Laziest Geek In Shape If you are reading this post you are most likely a geek. It’s true, otherwise if you were a reader …

: WordPress For iPhone/iPad NSXMLParserErrorDomain Error 64 Resolved If you have a WordPress blog and an iPhone/iPad, then you most likely have the WordPress for iOS …

: Feedburner Anywhere Plugin Updated I have updated my WordPress plugin Feedburner Anywhere. In case you are unfamiliar with it, it’s a …

: Simple Office Fitness: Replace Your Office Chair With An Exercise Ball When I was in Portland this past month, I saw that many people in my work’s office were sitting on …

: Test Version of TweetPress 3.0 So WordPress 3.0 has broken Tweetpress for many people. If you are daring, willing to help, and …

: Feedburner Anywhere Plugin Released <p class="wp-caption-text"> Image via CrunchBase </p> I have just released …

: HECK YES C Macro, For When Something Is REALLY True Quite possibly the most useful macro you will ever use. #define HECK\_YES true && true // …

: Dynamically Load WordPress Post Images Like Mashable.com What? Have you ever noticed that the content on Mashable.com loads Incredibly fast? Also, have you …

: WordPress Coding: Programmatically Add Post Tags (and other meta info) I was recently working on a script that imports from a custom blogging platform into WordPress and …

: WordPress Programming Tip: Enable Database Error Reporting For Custom Queries So this one should seem pretty obvious, but it wasn’t apparent to me at first. It was only after …

: Watch Out Apple, The Kindle Dev Kit Is Almost Live With the success of the Apple App Store, it seems that everyone is wanting a piece of the pie. …

: Code Monkey Music Video Watching this video makes me appreciate the fact that I work from home. Tweet

: Hacking Redbox &#8211; How To Get Free DVDs <p class="wp-caption-text"> Image via Wikipedia </p> I was at Wally-World the …

: Great List Of Algorithm Programming Tutorials Recently TopCoder.com posted a list of algorithm tutorials from some of their “top coders”. The …

: Programming Tip Of The Day #2 &#8211; Difference Between i++ and ++i To some, this should seem a bit obvious and if I am insulting your intelligence by discussing it, I …

: Programming Tip Of The Day #1 &#8211; Ternary Operator So, I though I’d start this series called Programming Tip Of The Day to write about useful things I …

: Mac OSX Tip: Hotkey To Hide/Show the Dock While mashing the keyboard (as I often do when debuggin poorly written outsourced code), I stumbled …

: Increase Your Twitter Following Using Your WordPress Blog Download TwitPop Now TwitPop is a WordPress plugin I wrote with one goal…To make you more popular on …

: First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style. Then forget all that and just hack. George Carrette [1990]. Tweet

: PHP Class To Interface With Many URL Shortening Services With the explosion of Twitter and such services, the need to have long URLs shortened has …

: $13 Dollar Discount On Programming Books From Manning Publishing The publishing that I’m writing the book for is having a huge Friday the 13th sale. They are …

: Money You Might Be Missing Out On &#8211; LinkShare API Integration As you may know, I am the developer of the site FreshApps.com. One thing we had been doing to make …

: Object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could only have originated in California. Edsger Dijkstra Tweet

: Was Jesus A Real Person? Great Article On Digg Today The culture of Digg is generally very liberal (to say the least). That is why I was very surprised …

: TweetPress Now Supported By Twittelator Pro For many of you this is old new. But since it’s latest release, Twittelator Pro has supported …

: Post Photos To Twitter From Your WordPress Blog With TweetPress That’s right. With the latest release of TweetPress (version 1.1.1), you can post photos directly to …

: TweetPress coming soon to a Twitter Client Near You TweetPress is the WordPress plugin that gives you total control and ownership of the photos you post …

: iPhone In Action Book A couple months ago, I was asked by someone on Twitter if they could “introduce me to someone”. I …

: Displaying Your FeedBurner Subscriber Count Anywhere &#8211; PHP Coding Tutorial If you are a serious blogger (and I’m sure you are), you probably track your RSS subscribers with …

: Easily Create And Manage SQLite Databases With A Firefox Plugin If you are doing any Mac, iPhone, HTML5, etc… developement, you have probably had the need for an …

: XCode Shortcut Cheat Sheet Through my travels through the internets, I have stumbled upon this amazing reference. It’s a …

: Creating A Twitter Client In Objective-C Client Part 2 This tutorial has moved! I have updated it to support Twitter’s Oauth, you can find the first …

: Installing And Deploying Rails On A Red Hat Server With Passenger I have long been a fan of Ruby on Rails and even jumper on board very early on. The one thing that …

: TagACloud.com (Re)Launched! So in 2006, my buddy JJ and I took some inspiration from the Million Dollar Homepage and decided to …

: New Alice In Wonderland Movie Looks Sick I was a big fan of the game Alice that came out for PC. It def portrayed AIW as a darker sort of …

: iPhoneLB.com gets a much needed update So, I started this site called iphonelb.com a few months back and left out a very important feature. …

: Increasing Your Blog Traffic Using Twitter Trends Twitter Trends are a very interesting part of Twitter. They are basically the most typed keywords or …

: Alexa Gets a Much Needed Update If you have a blog/website then you probably have heard of Alexa. If not, you should search your …

: WordPress Plugin To Increase Twitter Popularity If there are two things I love on the intenets, they are WordPress and Twitter. Recently there have …

: Twouble With Twitter Video Ok, so I am sure you have seen this video by now, but I just had to post it because it’s flippin …

: WordPress For iPhone Gets A Much Needed Update A few days ago, the popular blogging tool WordPress released a much needed update to their iPhone …

: Top Dugg Story of Today &#8211; I hate Dane Cook LOL, SlightyOverDressed.com had a post that made it to the top of DIGG today simply titled “I Hate …

: Free Leaderboard Solution for iPhone Game Developers What makes most multiplayer games more exciting that single player games? It’s competition! People …

: Part 3 of iPhone Game Programming Tutorial Posted On iCodeBlog It’s been a while, but I finally posted part 3 of the iPhone Game Programming tutorial series on …

: New Web Application That Will Be Useful For iPhone Games Developers So, after downloading many iPhone games and talking with a ton of iphone developers, I have a found …

: The Only Twitter API PHP Class You Will Ever Need Note Twitter has switchted their entire interface to use OAUTH and this class no longer works (I …

: Why Many iPhone Apps Suck I have been downloading many different iPhone apps lately and have noticed that many of them suck. …

: Buzzword Is Now In The App Store Well, after anxiously waiting for the past 6 days (feels like forever) I have finally gotten that …

: Twitter API Programming Tutorial With PHP &#8211; Intro I have recently started using Twitter and completely fell in love with it. Being a programming, this …

: Binary Game &#8211; iPhone App Review Just posted an app review of B1nary Game over at FreshApps. Check it out! Tweet

: New iPhone Game Programming Tutorial Post On iCodeBlog Well, it had taken me a while to slot in the time, but I finally finished part 2 of the iPhone Game …

: Blogging Practices &#8211; Frequency and Size of Posts If you have ever had your own blog, you may have at one point been faced with a question. How often …

: The Focus Of This Blog The purpose of this blog will be primarily to share my programming knowledge through coding …

: iPhone App: Buzzword Submitted to the App Store I have just submitted an iPhone app that I have been developing in my free time. The app is called …

: How to Connect Facebook To Twitter With the growing popularity of both Twitter and Facebook, one could obviously see a need to link …

: Buzzword The ultimate party game has arrived in the App Store! If you are a fan of the game Catch-Phrase, …