I have been obsessed with Seth Godin lately. I’ve been reading his books, listening to his podcasts, and devouring his blog posts.

It’s amazing how he can just pump out wisdom day after day and speak so articulately on just about any subject. Some of his posts are incredibly insightful while others might seem like a small thought that just popped into his head. He doesn’t seem to differentiate the two and that’s incredible.

Recently, I was inspired by a particular post called The First 1,000 Are The Most Difficult. In it, Seth talks about blogging every single day. He even links to other readers/bloggers that took on the same challenge. This particular quote really stood out:

Even if no one reads your blog, the act of writing it is clarifying, motivating and (eventually) fun.

This got me thinking. I often want to create blog content because I absolutely love writing. Not to mention, I really do feel that I can speak more clearly and articulately having blogged consistently. However, I often won’t publish posts (or even start them) for fear of people actually reading them. It’s usually a worry about what others might think about the post, or fear of peers/clients reading into things that might be tangentially related to the article in which I’m posting.

So, all that being said, I want to try to blog more consistently. Hopefully once per day. That obviously might mean quality of posts might go down for some posts, but hopefully it will increase overall as time goes on. My wife and I have recently been blogging weekly on our site about our School Bus Conversion and it’s been a total blast. I’d love to apply some of that here and talk more about consulting, the business of app dev, etc…

Blogging should be for the author first and foremost, as a way to communicate their thoughts and sharpen their own skillset. Not to mention, it should be fun! I am going to try and embrace this and re-discover my love for writing.

So feel free to subscribe, unsubscribe, or drop me a note. I’d love to check out the blogs of others who are blogging near daily. Cheers!