Inverted Aeropress

Over the years, I have tried many Aeropress methods for making coffee. After many variations, I have found this one to be the best and most consistent.


  • Method: inverted
  • Beans: 30g (usually Ethiopian)
  • Grind: course
  • Water: 200g
  • Time: 60s


Start heating the water in a kettle. While the water is heating, grind 30g of coffee in the grinder and pour it into the inverted Aeropress.

Place the Aeropress on the scale, pour in 100g of water, and stir. Once stirred, set a timer for 60s. Take this time to place the paper filter inside the Aeropress’ lid and rinse the paper. It ensures that it sticks better and removes some of the paper taste.

After the timer is up, stir one more time, attach the filter, and plunge into your cup.

Finally, pour another 100g of water into the cup and enjoy one of the best cups of coffee of your life.

Let me know if you end up trying it!