People often tell me things like “it must be nice to work for yourself”, or “I’m working hard to make someone else rich”.

Having spent many years working for a company prior to starting my own, I can honestly say I would never want a boss again. However, I that doesn’t stop me from frequently daydreaming about just how nice that would be.

The idea that having someone tell you what to do, give you a set schedule, allow you to clock out at the end of the day all sound so liberating. Contrast this with potentially long (unpaid hours), angry clients, flakey employees, and surprise tax bills, working for “the man” doesn’t seem all that bad.

There’s obviously another side to this coin as well. I even wrote a whole post on this topic.

I guess what I’m getting at is, the grass truly is greener on the other side. Working for yourself has its advantages, but there are also some clear benefits of working for someone else. If you want to work for yourself, do it, if you are happy and fulfilled in your job, great.

The only way to lose is to continue down a path that no longer brings you joy.