
That’s right. With the latest release of TweetPress (version 1.1.1), you can post photos directly to Twitter from your WordPress blog’s gallery page. Here are the steps to do it.

  1. Navigate to the TweetPress admin Settings > TweetPress
  2. Enter your Twitter username and password
  3. Press the Save Twitter Settings button
    1. TweetPress will verify your username and password with Twitter
    2. If they are incorrect, it will let you know and you must re enter them
  4. Navigate to your gallery page
  5. You should now see a form that has a text box and an upload button
  6. Click browse to find an image on your computer to post
  7. Enter your Tweet in the box
  8. Click Post

It’s very quick and easy. If you have any suggestions for TweetPress please contact me, or leave comments in this post.
