Earlier this year, I launched an application called Smart Lockscreen Creator. It was a pretty simple app that allowed you to add dynamic data (such as weather) to your wallpaper and save it back out to your camera roll. The idea is to improve the functionality of the user’s lockscreen. It did very well on launch (and even made it to #1 in the Israel App Store). At the peak, I was selling about 600 copies per day.

Well, the honeymoon period is over and sales have slowed down quite a bit, however they have completely stabilized around what I’m calling the “cruising speed”. So, what’s my speed? On an average day, I will sell between 10-15 copies of the application per day. This is with no additional marketing, I’m not on any top 500 pages, and honestly I haven’t done much to the application at all. The app even has ~2 star rating. Not because it sucks, but because people don’t read the description and assume it will constantly update their lockscreen.

I have asked a few developers and this seems to be a fairly common cruising speed. So, now I’m asking you.

What’s YOUR cruising speed?

Do you think updating the application will affect this speed?

What dictates the speed?

I’d love to hear your responses in the comments.

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