For those of you who have followed my blog for a while, you know that I am a huge geek for smart watches. I had the first version of what is now the Pebble (inPulse) and even hacked a jailbroken iOS app to interface with it.

MetaWatch has been around for quite some time now and looks *ok *, however their latest update appears to be completely in response to Allerta’s announcement/success of Pebble.

“We are delighted to be the first company to ship a Bluetooth 4.0 smartwatch compatible with both iPhone and Android platforms”

What is really concerning is the fact they they don’t mention anything related to how they are achieving iOS notifications. Pebble has been very upfront in stating that they are planning on leveraging to deliver complex notifications such as Twitter and Facebook. It leads me to believe they haven’t quite sorted everything out and are jumping to a press release in order to ride the smartwatch train.

I have a Pebble coming in August and intend on sharing my experiences as well as code. Perhaps I might scoop up one of these as well and write a comparison post.

[Article Link]
