OK, so the title isn’t entirely true (I have maintained quite a few blogs in my day). But, one thing is for sure, I have sucked at blogging lately. So much so, I just had to think hard about having to bold lately using markdown in the previous sentence #meta.


I was blogging very consistently for the Envato Network on their Mobile Tuts Plus as well as on iCodeBlog and here. Eventually, I got burnt out and gave up blogging on every blog (for the month).

What happened was, I was blogging to make money (Envato pays $250/post!) and no longer for fun. This sucks and I was missing deadlines and writing crappy content which needed much revision.

New Plan

Write here only (for fun!) and infrequently on icode if time permits as I can do that during work time 😉 That being said, expect to see more content here for better or worse. Once a week is the new goal.


That’s what you are saying to me. I hate these “Sorry I haven’t been around in a while. I promise to post more” posts that are usually the last posts on a blog for like 5 years just as much as you do. Let’s hope that’s not the case here. You will just have to trust me and subscribe.

Also, I have a sweet new theme from Jekyll Bootstrap.
