Check Out AutoCorrector + Promo Codes!
 So, this blog post might sound like a lame press release, but I actually do want to talk about a cool app some buddies of mine created. Just read it in a cheesy used car salesman voice and it will be a lot less more enjoyable.
The Problem
Have you ever tried to type shorthand text to a friend and it come out completely wrong? For example: AFK -> AFT, AKA -> Aja. Or maybe your friend has an uncommon nickname that auto corrects to something hilarious…
Enter AutoCorrector
@cruffenach , @matt_tuzzolo , and @damian_r just released an app for the iPhone called AutoCorrector! It’s an app that allows you add words to your iPhone’s auto correct dictionary. Once added, the iPhone will stop pestering you to auto correct uncommon/shorthand words that you frequently type.
How It Works
Adding words directly to the dictionary would be against the Apple SDK terms of use as it would require your app to run outside of it’s “sandbox”. However, clever @cruffenach realized that when you add comma separated words to a contact’s nickname in the address book, they get added automatically to the iPhone’s dictionary.
This actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. If you have a friend with a nickname, chances are you will want to address that person at some point by that nickname. It would get very annoying if you iPhone tried to autocorrect you every time you tried to type that friend’s name.
Auto corrector simply uses the AddressBook framework to maintain a contact with a nickname containing a list of words you have added. When you add a new word, it simply updates this contact.
Why Use Auto Corrector?
Sure you could just do this manually, however it’s a pain and requires too many steps (6 taps vs. 2 taps for AC). Also, auto corrector provides a beautiful interface for entering and managing words you have added.
Word Packs!
Bundled with AC, comes the SMS shorthand word pack with 116 words ready to install instantly. In the near future, the guys plan on creating a ton more word packs as well as provide a portal for community packs.
I’m pretty excited about this app and really think it has a good future.
What do you think? Would/did you buy it?
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