Well, I have finally made the switch from WordPress to Jekyll and couldn’t be happier. Here are some of the bonuses I have seen thus far.

  1. SPEED: Just click around on my site. It is screaming fast now.
  2. Resources: Checking top on my server reveals that I have a TON of extra resources (which makes sense since Jekyll sites are way more lightweight).
  3. Ease of blogging: Ok, WordPress was pretty easy too, however, I was really starting to get sick of the post interface. I switch to Tumblr at some point simply for it’s minimalist interface. WordPress’ is gross and TinyMCE (the WYSIWG editor) is terrible. I love writing in TextMate!
  4. Offline publishing. I can write my posts anywhere since they are just .md (markdown) files. Check out Daring Fireball’s great writeup on this.
  5. Portability: Have you have tried to move your WordPress site? Yeah, it’s about as fun as chewing on tin foil with metal fillings.
  6. Focus on content: WordPress has quite a bit of focus on using rich media in your posts which tends to take away from the content if you are not careful. There is something about writing in a text editor that makes you forget about images/video/etc… unless it’s totally needed. So don’t be surprised if my posts aren’t as “rich”. (Hopefully they will be more clever :) )

I really urge you to see for yourself what it’s like blogging with Jekyll. I will do a writeup on my conversion process in the near future to help aid others in the switch. Until then, you can google around and find tons of great resources.
