
Have you ever noticed that the content on Mashable.com loads Incredibly fast? Also, have you noticed that as you scroll the images seem to ‘fade’ in? Well, this isn’t due to some crazy h4x0r code written specifically by Mashable Engineers. It’s a simple JQuery plugin that loads the images ‘Lazily’.

The Jquery plugin can be found here and a nice tutorial for implementing it can be found here.

If you don’t feel like hacking it yourself, read on and I will point you in the direction of a great WordPress plugin that handles this automagically.


Luckily the hard work has been done for you and you can download a WordPress plugin that will automatically add this functionality to your WordPress blog.

You can download the plugin from WordPress.org

This plugin will work for EVERY image on your blog. Even the Gravatar icons of the commenters.

Thats It?

Yep, try it out. Just scroll down on my homepage and watch as the images magically fade in.

Happy Wp-ing!
